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Summer Camps

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General conditions


As a general rule, we recommend strongly a minimum delay of four weeks for a regular program, six in eight weeks for the summer season. To join a program, it is necessary to get the age old required for this program at the time of the departure and to send to us the registration form as well as a deposit of $300 for a journey lower than 5000$ or 600$ if the journey exceeds this sum. University Travel cannot confirm a registration before having received the signed registration form and the deposit. This deposit will be to cost on the final payment naturally.


These last ones will reach you in approximately two weeks before your departure.


For the Canadians, no visa is required for a stay in the destinations mentioned in this site with the exception of Australia, the Republic of South Africa, Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. For these countries a tourist visa is compulsory.

For the students of nationality other one than Canadian, you have to inquire with the concerned Embassy.



Except opposite mention, all prices are in Canadian dollars and identified $. The prices inside tables are based on rates current on September 15th of every year and are subjected to the particular conditions of notes relative to each of these prices (residence, season, currency, calendar, etc.....).

Certain prices will be in USD and clearly identified $US. To convert in Canadian dollars at the time of the final payment. For the prices in euro and identified € , payments will be made either in Canadian dollars, or in euro so wished.

Happening the case of a significant increase of the exchange rates, we reserve you the right, and it up to the final payment, to modify the prices without advance notice.

Finally be advised that prices can change without notice.

First day of class Please take note that the first day of class is largely dedicated (often in the morning) to the language test which will allow the school to know your level. Then will come the presentation of the school, the professors and the orientation tour.

Exchange rates




Rates mentioned in this site other than in Canadian dollars ($CAN) , USD ($US), euros (€), British pounds (GBP), ....... will automatically be converted in Canadian dollars, our national currency. The invoice you will receive will thus be in Canadian dollars mentioning the amount in foreign currency that we used for making the calculation as well as the exchange rate valid in Canada in the daytime of the invoice.

The amount in Canadian dollars will thus be taken from the credit card if you chose this way of payment or transferred on our bank account in Canada.

For those paying by credit card, it is possible that a light difference will appear between the amount appearing on your bank statement and the amount announced on our invoice in the same currency, that of your statement.

This will be due to the different exchange rates between banks of our respective countries and the commissions taken by the various banking speakers (stockbrokers, credit cards).

Final payment

The final payment is  due 30 days before the beginning of the course. This final payment can be made either by credit card or by bank transfer. 


Cancellation before the departure: the cancellation of the journey must be meant in writing, by fax or by Email  and the customer will have to assume the following expenses according to the date of reception by our office of the written letter, the fax or the Email:



+ of 45 days before the departure

Refundable altogether except 50$ per passenger for administrative fees.

From 44 to  38 days before the departure


From 37 to 30 days before the departure

50 % of the price of the stay.

Less than 30 days before the departure

100% non refundable.

Cancellation after the departure
Late arrival
Total absence.

No refund is made for the spot cancellations, the late arrivals and the total absences. The companies concerned as well as University Travel reserve the right to suspend or to expel a participant who will be considered unwanted by his behaviour or by its negative influence. In case of premature return, the part not ended the journey is not refundable.


Consult your travel agent for all the necessary insurances.


In regards to the air or ground transport, the courses, the accommodation, the meals, the activities and the routes, University travel and the concerned companies carry out the duty to conform exactly to the services such as they were foreseen. However, under the circumstances independent from our will which can arise, we reserve the right to modify or to cancel the journey in all or in part, the whole in our absolute discretion. In the case of cancellation of a journey before the departure by University travel, this last one will pay off the customer of any received sum.

University travel will try hard to maintain the strictest safety standards. University travel will not be responsible to the customer for the complaints, losses, damages, expenses, wounds, death, delays or setback which can ensue from any accident, strike, breakdown mechanics, natural disaster or quite other fortuitous cause.

All programs of this site are subjected to the conditions imposed by companies assuring the air or the ground transportation, the schools, the hotels, the restaurants and the other persons and interested companies, University travel and their acting agents while as intermediaries.

All the members of staff of University travel are covered by an general responsibility insurance.

Tel: +1 (514) 922-9564 Fax: +1 (514) 500-7154 Email: