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Séjour linguistique à Bueno Aires en ARGENTINE

Cours d'espagnol de 20 ou 30 leçons de groupe par semaine, 25 leçons (20 leçons de groupe + 5 leçons privées), classe de TANGO, de SALSA, espagnol et médecine, espagnol des affaires, préparation au DELE, programme Co-Op (Internship).

Notre école se situe dans l'un des bâtiments historiques les plus estimés de Buenos Aires, avenue Bartolomé Mitre et Suipacha. Beaucoup d'architecture du dix-neuvième siècle survit toujours dans ce coin, près de la place principale "la Place de Mayo" et "Casa Rosada" (la maison du gouvernement). À quelques pas de l'école, vous trouverez aussi certaines des curiosités principales de la ville comme l'Obelisco et le bâtiment magnifique du Congrès national.

Programme du cours

  • 1 leçon: 55 minutes.
  • Age minimum: 18 ans
  • Maximum de 8 étudiants par classe, moyenne de 3 - 4.
  • Horaire: à partir de  9:00.
  • Tous les niveaux disponibles.
  • Internet et Email disponibles
  • Matériel scolaire.
  • Evaluation et attestation de formation linguistique émise par l'université de Buenos Aires.
  • Espagnol et TANGO ou SALSA: 20 leçons d'espagnol par semaine + 8 leçons par semaine de TANGO ou SALSA. Visites dans des bars et "milonga". Ce cours sera aussi un cours de culture argentine sur le plan lyrique et musical, le tout en rapport avec le TANGO et la SALSA.
  • Espagnol et médecine, affaires, DELE. Ce cours combine 20 leçons par semaine d'espagnol + 8 leçons privées (DELE) ou groupe (affaires, médecine) par semaine dans le domaine choisi avec un spécialiste. L'examen du DELE ne se passe pas en Argentine. Le passer dans votre pays d'origine après votre retour. 2 sessions: Mai et Novembre
  • CO-Op - Internship: travail dans une entreprise dans le milieu de son choix. Durées maximale de 12 mois, minimum 2 mois. Auparavant un cours de 20 leçons est obligatoire et ce pendant 4 semaines minimum.  Un CV ainsi qu'une lettre de motivation en Espagnol sont obligatoires avec photo. Pour les personnes d'un niveau Intermédiaire supérieur.
    Pour un placement dans un secteur d'activités particulier, choisir l'option CIBLE dans la grille des prix.
  • Nombreuses activités sociales et culturelles organisées par l'école 2 fois par semaine, incluses dans les programmes.
  • Tour de ville.

Date de début des cours

Tous les lundis de l'année. 

Dates de fermeture de l'école

Fév. Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Octobre Nov. Déc.
- 3,4,24 2,17,18 1 20 9 - - 20 8,25

Les options disponibles

  • Transfert aéroport - hébergement aller simple 70$US 
  • Tous nos tarifs sont valables du 1er janvier au 31 décembre. Les prix n' incluent jamais le billet d'avion.

Le transport est très commode et d'un accès facile. Toutes les lignes de métro de Buenos Aires ont un arrêt juste à cinq minutes de l'école. Les pièces sont très confortables, vous donnant l'occasion de rencontrer d'autres étudiants. Dans la pièce de rencontre, vous pouvez avoir du café, le thé, eau minérale, regarder des vidéos argentins et sud américains, utiliser l'Internet.

Les Tarifs

Les coûts sont en dollars US. 
A convertir en dollars canadiens au moment du paiement final. Merci


1 entre 2 et 9 semaines 10 Sem. add.
20 leçons 290 $US 215 $US 1950 $US 195 $US
30 leçons 365 $US 290 $US 2650 $US 265 $US
25 leçons
(20 de groupe et 5 privées)
450 $US 375 $US 3400 $US 340 $US
Espagnol et TANGO / SALSA 450 $US 375 $US 3400 $US 340 $US
Espagnol et DELE 435 $US 360 $US 3300 $US 330 $US
Espagnol des affaires ou médical 465 $US 390 $US 3600 $US 360 $US
(Cours non inclus)
Frais de placement (1 fois):
Standard: 695$US
Ciblé: 1230$US

Convertisseur de monnaie

Hébergement en famille, résidence, appartement privatif, appartement partagé.        

  • Arrivée le dimanche
  • Départ le samedi. 
  • En famille chambre en occupation simple ou double *, 1 ou 2 repas par jour. Entre 15 et 30 minutes en transport en commun de l'école. Pas de repas le dimanche.
                                                     * pour 2 étudiants arrivant ensemble.
  • En résidence.  Hébergement standard, permettant l'expérience de la vie avec d'autres étudiants de l'école ou étudiants argentins. 0 ou 1 repas par jour (petit déjeuner), occupation simple, double ou triple.  Les salles de bain sont partagées. Pas de repas le dimanche.
  • En appartement privatif.  Hébergement sans repas. Sont pour 1, 2, 3 ou plusieurs personnes. Les prix sont par appartement.

          FAMILLE, occupation simple:  * 235$US / semaine (1 repas par jour)
                                                          315$US / semaine (2 repas par jour)
                                                          Journée additionnelle: 50$US

          FAMILLE, occupation double:  175$US / semaine (1 repas par jour)
                                                          250$US / semaine (2 repas par jour)
                                                          Journée additionnelle: 50$US

                    RÉSIDENCE, occupation simple:  *
                                                          255$US / semaine (aucun repas)
                                                          Journée additionnelle: 50$US
                    RÉSIDENCE, occupation double: 
                                                          160$US / semaine (aucun repas)
                                                          Journée additionnelle; 50$US

                     RÉSIDENCE, occupation triple: 
                                                          120$US / semaine (aucun repas)
                                                          Journée additionnelle; 50$US

                                  APPARTEMENT PRIVATIF pour 1 PERSONNE: Prix par appartement.
                                                          365$US / semaine (aucun repas)
                                                      Journée additionnelle; 50$US

                                  APPARTEMENT PRIVATIF pour 2 ou 3 PERSONNES: prix par appartement.
                                                          545$US / semaine (aucun repas)
                                                      Journée additionnelle; 50$US 

                                  APPARTEMENT PRIVATIF pour 4 PERSONNES et plus: Prix par appartement
                                                          725$US / semaine (aucun repas)
                                                      Journée additionnelle; 100$US

    *  Salle de bain privée possible : rajouter 50$US par semaine

Nos familles d'accueil sont toutes recrutées avec un très grand soin. Les critères de sélection sont très rigoureux et chaque famille doit satisfaire un cahier des charges précis : excellente moralité, désir de communiquer avec leur hôte, niveau social satisfaisant.
Nous tenons à vous spécifier que les familles d'accueil ne vous parleront que dans la langue du pays où vous vous trouverez. C'est le principe des cours en immersion !

Informations sur la ville

Capitale fédérale de l'Argentine, Buenos Aires, ville de près de 11 millions d'habitants est située sur la rive ouest du Rio de la Plata qui sépare l'Argentine de l'Uruguay.
Fondée en 1536 par Pedro de Mendoza et nommée alors Nuestra Señora Santa Maria del Buen Aire en souvenir des vents cléments qui avaient mené son bateau jusqu'au Rio de la Plata.La ville devint capitale fédérale en 1880 et se sépara de la province du même nom. Buenos Aires, de part sa population principalement issue de l'immigration européenne du siècle dernier est une ville aux facettes multiples, pleine de charme, alternant parcs et jardins, quartiers aux maisons basses, grattes ciels ...terrasses de cafés, c'est certainement la ville à l'aspect le plus " européen " du continent sud-américain.

Capitale du Tango, des " asados" ou grillades de boeuf argentin, Buenos Aires est également une ville ou la vie nocturne est intense avec une profusion de cabarets, restaurants, dancings ou se retrouvent les porteños( habitants de Buenos Aires ceux du port) .Son architecture inspirée du style français de la fin  du XIX siècle lui a valu le surnom de Paris de l'Amérique latine.

Elle a pour célèbre place,  la Place de Mai (Plaza de Mayo) où s'élève la  Casa Rosada, siège de la Présidence

.   La météo pour 5 jours

Buenos Aires

Spécialiste de l'Argentine
 Voyage Argentine


Colón Theatre and Opera House: "Visit one of the most important theaters of the city. During this tour, you'll be taken into some of the private sections of the building such as the facilities and some of the dressing rooms".

San Martín Theatre: "Visit one of the most important theaters of the city. During this tour, you'll be taken into some of the private sections of the building such as the facilities and some of the dressing rooms".

Palermo Chico: "An attractive upper-middle class borough known for it's wide-open spaces that combine perfectly with houses that date back to the start of the century ".

Av. de Mayo: "Outing to a beautiful and active avenue surrounded by lovely buildings that show the style of the turn of XIX century."

Recoleta: "Outing to the center of cultural activities and heart of fashionable shops, glamorous restaurants and stylish coffee shops. You can also enjoy a walk along the lovely pedestrian walkway and open spaces" Cementery where Evita Peron is buried.

Reconquista and Defensa de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: "During this outing, you'll visit areas of Buenos Aires where events, such as the English invasions of 1806 and 1807 took place".

Alvear Av. and Recoleta: "You'll visit a beautiful avenue where you'll have a chance to see some of the most magnificent palaces of Buenos Aires."

Retiro: "This outing offers you the opportunity to visit historical areas filled with overwhelming buildings as well as Florida pedestrian street; one of the best places in Buenos Aires to do shopping."

Montserrat: "An opportunity that allows you to learn about the city's history as well as the history of the whole Argentine Republic, from the first days to the current days".

Belgrano: "A self-sufficient upper Ðclass neighborhood, with its own powerful commercial area, exclusive buildings, important educational establishments and large green areas. All this makes this neighborhood seem like a completely different world".

Palermo Viejo: "Outing to a neighborhood that is not often visited by tourists; you'll see typical porteño shops,trendy and bohemian caffes ,nightlife, buildings and schools and get to know about some of the traditional customs."

Costanera Norte: "This large and wooded avenue that runs next to the river is the only place in the city that gives you the opportunity to enjoy the view of the Rio de la Plata".

Three important theaters of Buenos Aires: "Visit the most significant theaters that form part of our culture".
Corrientes Avenue, General San Martín Theatre, Plaza Lavalle, General Juan Lavalle Monument, Colón Theatre, Palace of Justice, Cervantes Theatre (interior circuit), 9 de Julio Avenue, Obelisk, other historical theaters and cinemas.

Museo Histórico Nacional: "Visit Argentina's most important theaters; all their halls display the true history of our nation". Lezama Park.

La Boca: "A traditional neighborhood with the atmosphere of the port and the influences of the Italian immigration."

Important churches in Buenos Aires: "Visit the oldest churches of the city of Buenos Aires where very important events took place. Although not many people know about them, they are essential parts of our history".

San Telmo: "An interesting outing to the neighborhood that was the most significant residential area of the start of the century. You'll be told about the architecture that characterizes the area and learn a bit more about our history".

Palermo: "Major recreational resource for all porteños".

Costanera Sur and Puerto Madero: "During this outing you'll get to see views of the old port and coast and at the same time views of the new green areas, international corporations buildings and office, elegant restaurantss in front of the river".

Buenos Aires and its' immigrants: "This is an opportunity to learn about the true history of the immigrations in our country, going through areas where the old customs and traditions still exist today".

Museo Histórico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires "Brigadier General Cornelio de Saavedra": "Outing to one of the most beautiful museums of Buenos Aires; an ancient colonial residency where great part of our history is preserved".

Manzana de las Luces: "In this circuit, you'll be able to admire some of the Jesuit establishments in Buenos Aires: The Church of San Ignacio (initiated in the 18th century), Claustro del Primitivo Colegio, Procuraduria de Misiones, where the goods for the missions where kept, run and traded. You'll also be taken into the restored tunnel of the 18th century".

Manzana de las Luces: "One of the places visited in this circuit is the representative's hall where historical sessions took place, one of which was the legislative body of the Province of Buenos Aires (1822-1883) and of the National Congress between 1824/1827 and 1862/1864. In this hall Rivadavia took an oath as the first president of the argentine people, as so did Rosas and General Mitre. You'll also visit the presidential hall of the legislative body of the Province of Buenos Aires where Dr. Manuel Vicente Maza was assassinated. Last but not least, you'll be taken into the restored tunnels of the XVIII century". Hall of Representatives and Legislative Hall of the Province of Buenos Aires and 18th century tunnels.

Manzana de las Luces: "This outing offers the possibility to study the ancient renaissance facade of the University of Buenos Aires, founded in August 12, 1821. You'll be taken into the Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires, the institute that formed many of the important people that have contributed to the development of the Argentine nation. From the school, you'll be taken into the tunnels of the 18th century." Original facade of the University of Buenos Aires, Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires (School) and 18th century tunnels.

Manzana de la Luces: "The main point of this outing is to show you the different construction methods implied in Buenos Aires from the 18th to the 20th century. You'll enter some of the buildings that form this block and be shown what changes where made in the architecture throughout the centuries. This outing also includes descending into the tunnels of the 18th century and ends with a comparison of the facades of the first and last building built on this block: San Ignacio Church and Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires" History of the construction of these blocks.

Manzana de las Luces: "This circuit is formed by the most important building of this block and includes access to the restored tunnels of the 18th century"

Manzana de las Luces: "You'll visit the Hall of Representatives of 1822 and the ancient building of the Congress (1864) that is now the National Academy of History. In these two buildings you will be told a little bit about their history, their main and most important members and which debates took place there; events that form part of our history ". From Rivadavia to Quintana: eight decades of legislative history.

Manzana de las Luces: "An opportunity to see the interior and exterior sites of the colonial period: one of a few symbols that the city still holds. In periods that followed, these buildings where used by different public institutions"
Circuit: Public Library, filing cabinets, Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires,City Hall, National Academy of History, restored tunnels of the 18th century.

Conventional City Tour: "An outing to the most significant places of the city of Buenos Aires."
Circuit: Corrientes Avenue, Plaza de Mayo, Plaza Congreso, La Boca, San Telmo, Puerto Madero, Costanera Sur, Retiro, Recoleta, Palermo Chico, Palermo.

Montserrat: "An opportunity that allows you to learn about the city's history as well as the history of the whole Argentine Republic, from the first days to the current days"
Circuit: Plaza de Mayo, House of Government, (Casa Rosada) and it's tunnels, Chapter of the City of Buenos Aires, Plaza Colón, Armed Force Building, Correo Central Building (Central post office), Puerto Madero, Diagonal Julio A. Roca (Diagonal Street (South), Luis Saenz Peña Diagonal Street (North), Avenida de Mayo, Cathedral of the City of Buenos Aires, Manzana de las Luces, Alsina Street, House of Altolaguirre, House of María Josefa Azcurra, "La Estrella" Pharmacy and Museum of the City of Buenos Aires, Defensa Street, San Ignacio Church, San Francisco Church, Santo Domingo Church.

Retiro and Alvear Av.: "This outing offers you the opportunity to visit historical areas filled with overwhelming buildings as well as Florida street; one of the greatest places in Buenos Aires to go shopping."
Circuit: Retiro Station, Del Libertador Avenue, Plaza Fuerzas Aereas Argentina, English Tower, Plaza Libertador San Martín, Paz Palace, Museum of National Weapons, San Martín Palace, Kavanagh Building, Santísimo Sacramento Basilica, Plaza Hotel, Sheraton Hotel, Catalinas Norte, Leandro Alem Avenue, Florida Pedestrian walkway, San Martín Palace, General San Martín Monument, Santa Fé Avenue, Monument in honor of the heroes of the War of Malvinas, Mitre Railroad, San Martín Railroad, Belgrano Railroad, Naval center, Galerías Pacífico (Shopping Center), Railroad Museum.

Province of Buenos Aires

Villa de Luján:
Circuit: Plaza Belgrano. Nuestra Señora de Luján Basilica, crypt, Historical Colonial Museum, Museum of Transportation, National Fine Arts Museum, Villa de Luján Chapter, Luján River, River coast, Plaza Colón, Municipality.

Field day: "Visit to a typical "estancia" of the Province of Buenos Aires, where one out of many activities you can enjoy is horseback riding." Tours and activities: Breakfast. Circuit to the oldest parts of the town and "estancia". Lunch (asado criollo) Traditional "Folklore" music show. Stroll around the grounds or horseback riding. Guided tour of different areas where you'll learn more of the traditions. Afternoon snack.

Capilla del Señor: "You'll be taken to the De la Cruz Stream that is surrounded by country houses, green fields and bird breeding farms, forming the rural part of the town".
Tours and activities: Historical Train, Main Plaza, typical colonial architecture of the town, visit to the chapel and surrounding areas, old train station, Museo Municipal del Periodismo Bonaerense. Lunch at a traditional place in town.

Tigre and Delta: "A charming outing to the historical area of Tigre; there you'll see the rowing clubs, summer houses and the active river".
Tours and activities: Tigre Club, National Naval Museum, De la Reconquista Museum, Sarmiento Museum, Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción Parish Church, Rebagliati Residency, López Residency, Victoria Pueyrredón Residency, Cobo Residency, pedestrian walkway, ancient train station, pedestrian bridge, Delta station, Tren de la Costa (Coastal train), Fruit market. Ferry boat (Luján, Tigre and Sarmiento Lakes). Free time. Water sports area. San Isidro station. Maipú station. Peron Residency. Delta. Sagastume Residency. Historical summer houses.

San Antonio de Areco: "Visit one of the riches historical villages just out of the city where you'll be surrounded by the gaucho traditions, their activities and handicrafts".
Cicuit: Ruiz de Arrellano main plaza, Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires, San Antonio Perish Church, Juan Hipólito Vieytes National School, ancient Municipality, Municipal Palace, Martinez Residency, surrounding areas of San Antonio de Areco, riverbank, Museum and house of Culture "La Ex-Usina", Ricardo Guiraldes Gauchesco Museum, Museum and house of the Estancia, Gasparini Museum, La Cina Ð Cina Estancia, Posta el Tropezón, La Porteña Estancia, shops and grocery stores.

San Pedro: "This is a visit to the most beautiful tourist area close to the Parana River. It's where the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado took place and is one of the most beautiful places on the banks of this great river".
Circuit: Plaza Constitución, Nuestra Señora del Socorro Church, Municipality, Pedro Suñer Art gallery, El Mirador (viewing point), coastal area, San Pedro Port, Fishermen's club, Vuelta de Obligado, Fernando García Curten Museum, recreation areas, visit to a typical field.

Pilar: "This is an outing to one of the fastest growing areas of the northern part of Buenos Aires. It's known as a great place for playing polo and horseback riding." Plaza 12 de Octubre, Nuestra Señora del Pilar Church, Municipality, Replica of the cemetery of Malvinas, historical part of the city of Pilar, shopping center, polo clubs, horse riding schools, private areas, new part of the city, historical castle.

San Isidro and Tren de la Costa: "Take a walk through a residential area filled with trees, located in the northern part of Capital Federal. You'll visit beautiful homes and gardens built on the banks of the river." Presidential residency in Olivos, Tren de la Costa (Coastal train), Maipú station, San Isidro station, Pueyrredón country house, historical area of San Isidro, Plaza Mitre, San Isidro Cathedral, San Juan el Precursor School, Paraísos bay window, Tres Ombúes bay window, Ombúes country house, Los Naranjos country house, La Porteña country house, San Isidro's coasts, house of Fernando Alfaro, Delta station, ferry boat (Luján, Tigre and Sarmiento Rivers). Recreation. Tigre Area.

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